Current Events - 2020 - Page 4

Macerata-Loreto. Carrón: "Life as vocation"

Current EventsJulián Carrón

On the eve of the 42nd Pilgrimage, which this year will be in the form of a pilgrimage on the evening of June 13, the message of the President of the Fraternity of CL.

Security measures in the streets of Maputo

Mozambique: fairy tales on the telephone

Current EventsPaola Ronconi

Isabel lives in a Maputo slum and is at home because of lockdown. Her only connection to her school are Misnia's calls, who reads stories to her. An initiative of AVSI that, in addition to health awareness, tries to fill the educational void.

Fr. Giussani

Fr. Giussani’s lesson: God has created us for joy

Current EventsJulián Carrón

From Corriere della Sera, an excerpt from the preface to the fourth volume of the series Cristianesimo alla prova [Christianity put to the test], a collection of lessons and dialogues by Fr. Giussani at the Fraternity Exercises of CL.

 The distribution of medical supplies in Nairobi

Kenya: The horizon is beyond the village

Current EventsLuca Fiore

Lockdown in Nairobi and a nationwide curfew. The fruits of so many years of work that has set a people back in motion within their territory. The first in a series of contributions about the Coronavirus emergency from the areas in which AVSI operates.

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna

Out of torpor: The dialogue between Zuppi and Carrón

Current EventsStefano Filippi

In a meeting about the pandemic, the Archbishop of Bologna spoke about himself and how he has been experiencing the health emergency. A dialogue with two voices - different and consonant - in the company of Abbé Pierre, Paul Claudel and Etty Hillesum.

Mikel Azurmendi

The reawakening of our humanity and the power of testimony

Current EventsMikel Azurmendi

"In the encounter there are no rules, only humanity." Anthropologist Mikel Azurmendi reads, in Carrón's ebook, the re-proposal of the experience of the first Christians, necessary during this lockdown period. His article from

Coronavirus and "the fragrance of the event"

Current EventsMaurizio Vitali

The pandemic and self-awareness. The dialogue, organized by Bicocca University of Milan, between psychotherapists Fabrizio Asioli and Giovanni Stanghellini, and Julián Carrón. Three different but consonant ways of describing what is happening to us.

"What saves us from nothingness?"

Current EventsJulián Carrón

The introduction of the text that Julián Carrón is preparing on the topic "What saves us from nothingness?"

Julián Carrón (Foto: Lupe de la Vallina)

Carrón: "Let us not deflect the impact with reality"

Current EventsSimone Baroncia

How do you conquer fear? What contribution can Christians make? What challenge does this pandemic pose to faith? The president of the Fraternity discusses the themes of his eBook "Reawakening Our Humanity” with Read the interview.

Carrón: Reawakening Our Humanity

Current Events

The fragility of existence and the "bubble" in which we lived. Then, "an unforeseen and unforeseeable interruption of reality, wearing the face of the coronavirus." In this ebook, Carrón describes how this "dizzying time" offers us a great possibility.

Fr. Claudio Burgio

Fr. Claudio Burgio: "Everything will be for the good”

Current EventsGiorgio Paolucci

On the outskirts of Milan, fifty young people from the Kayrós community are living in "cloistered" isolation. What does this mean for them? "In front of certain questions, slogans are not enough," says the founder of the community.

Latin America: "Like children before God”

Current EventsPaula Giovannetti

"Why do we not sing together?" A group of friends “meet” online during the Coronavirus crisis “to share, from wherever we are, a treasure.”

David Horowitz

Music, Beauty and David’s eyes

Current EventsJonathan Fields

David Horowitz, New York musician and composer, and part of the history of CL in the United States, died on Monday. In 1997, he spoke during the presentation of Fr. Giussani's The Religious Sense at the UN. A friend's memory of him.

The Holy Week booklet

Current Events

Texts and prayers that Fr. Giussani always proposed to help us live Easter.

"The Gospel according to Matthew", directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini (1964)

Easter 2020: The CL videoposter

Current Events

The images are taken from "The Gospel according to Matthew" by Pier Paolo Pasolini, the poet whose verses accompany the words pronounced by Fr. Giussani in St. Peter's Square in 1998.

Livia Giussani

Livia Giussani: CL’s obituary

Current Events

Fr. Giussani's sister has died. Here is Fr. Julián Carrón and Communion and Liberation’s message: "Intercede for us, together with your brother, in this very dramatic circumstance".