All the Earth is Ground Zero
Current EventsThe American dream cannot be based on materialism. Generosity, faith, and audacity are needed. A painter of international acclaim offers us his reflections upon 9/11 and its aftermath.
The American dream cannot be based on materialism. Generosity, faith, and audacity are needed. A painter of international acclaim offers us his reflections upon 9/11 and its aftermath.
Ten years ago, an attack changed the face of the West. Today, in the midst of crisis, where are the ideals on which this civilization was founded? An answer from one who, knew the country well before and after.
A look at the polls shows that Americans believe in and pursue their dreams as much now as ever before, a trust perhaps grounded in spiritual roots–but not extending to politics.
In past centuries, the American dream has taken on many forms, but it always persisted in the search for happiness in a culture of life.
What was behind the massive protests during the recent Spanish city elections? Following the defeat of the Zapatero party, an eyewitness looks more closely at this phenomenon, as a fact that doesn't fit into any ideology.
It seems today we accept answers that are gratifying, but unfulfilling, so we don't feel a lack. Yet there are facts that attest to the opposite. In this article, four people address the current "drop in desire," and the challenge of the CL flyer.
Fraternity of Saint Charles Borromeo missionaries in the U.S., twelve priests who work and live in communities along the East Coast and in Colorado, demonstrate the true meaning of freedom: a life defined by openness to the plan of Another.
From employment to the banks: a businessman in finance discusses with Traces the limits and reasoning of a movement whose urgency lies ultimately in the question, “What is the origin of our hope?”
The protests that engage many U.S. cities and others around the world have given us their slogans, complaints, and much confusion. We take a closer look at the epicenter of the protests, New York City, to examine what lies behind the needs expressed.
Where is the Middle East heading? Oasis Foundation gathered together experts from the Islamic world and Christians of the East and West to grasp more closely the "watershed" of the insurrections, and the "infinite desire that has begun to move."
In Kansas, a three-month lecture series on Luigi Giussani's book was a chance for many "to tackle 'The Religious Sense' from within the faith." From understanding art to teaching children; from treating patients to supporting co-workers...
The execution of the Western world's number one enemy and the euphoria at a sense of justice urged some friends of the US communities to look at what happened, exploring what responds to the need for peace. CL's leader describes the trajectory of a flyer.
As university students around the nation began to question reason's relation to the faith in their work on Fr. Giussani's The Religious Sense, some met for a "rest" time focused on silence and witness; wonder and mission…
On the 6th anniversary of his death, more than 200 Masses were offered throughout the world. Here are 3 extracts from the many homilies preached on those occasions, so as to grasp better "the secret, the passion, the power, and the joy of his every day."
Six years after his death, Fr. Luigi Giussani goes on generating a people, reaching even those who never knew him personally: a Muslim teacher, a Jewish jurist, an Orthodox theologian, an Anglican pastor, and a journalist.
Need, desire, and the itinerary that makes all of existence become "an immense certainty": this will be the topic of the 2011 Rimini Meeting, the world's biggest summer cultural festival.
It has been the longest civil war in Africa, leaving two million dead after 22 years. The referendum for the independence of the South is now on the table. Waiting for the results, Cesare Mazzolari, Bishop of Rumbek, talks to us about the people's wounds.
The Jewish Professor of Law, Joseph Weiler, explains, in an article published in the Italian daily Il Foglio, what the real enemy of dialogue is, in light of the words by Benedict XVI and of what he experienced at the Meeting of Cairo this past October.