Current Events - 2024

Fr. Luigi Giussani (Photo: Archive Fraternity of CL)

"Adhere to Christ, build the church"

Current EventsDavide Prosperi

An excerpt from Davide Prosperi's Preface to the new book of Fr. Giussani, Una rivoluzione di sé. La vita come comunione (1968-1970)" [A Revolution of Self. Life as Communion (1968-1970)]

(Photo: Unsplash/Colin Moldenhauer)

Vacations, the time of freedom

Current Events

“Anticipation of vacation is evidence of the will to live; for just this reason it must not be ‘vacation’ from oneself. Then summer will not be an interruption or a postponement of taking life seriously.”

The anti-government youth demonstrations in Kenya (Ansa/Epa/Daniel Iringu)

Kenya: The uprisings and the good we seek

Current EventsMaria Acqua Simi

The protests of young people, the desire for freedom and justice, and the work on the eighth chapter of The Religious Sense. Some friends from Nairobi speak of what sustains them as their country descends into chaos.

Davide Prosperi and Pope Francis at the audience on October 15, 2022 for Fr. Giussani's centenary (Catholic Press Photo)

Prosperi: "Faith, a new gaze at the world"

Current EventsMarco Ascione

The life of the movement and key steps taken in recent years, including the relationship with politics and culture. The President of the Fraternity speaks in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

During the presentation (Photo: Fausto Ferioli)

Giussani-Niebuhr: Generative thought, authentic sonship

Current EventsMaurizio Crippa

The presentation of the book of Fr. Giussani’s doctoral thesis at the Catholic University in Milan. Speakers included the Archbishop of Milan, Mario Delpini, and rector emeritus, Lorenzo Ornaghi, among others.

Karaganda Cathedral, dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima (Wikimedia Commons)

Kazakhstan: Thirty years since the beginning

Current EventsMaria Acqua Simi

The CL community was born in the country in 1994. An unpredictable story, today more alive than ever, as testified by Lyubov. She speaks of ‘The Lighthouse’, an aid centre for young people with disabilities.

AVSI's distance support projects in Iraq (Photo: Avsi)

AVSI: Samia’s exercise books

Current EventsLuca Fiore

Distance support for 450 Iraqi children. A project of the Italian NGO that started in 2015 to help a people return to living after the Isis occupation.

Photo: Christina Lue/Unsplash

Europe: For peace, an ideal horizon

Current Events

The European project, the test of conflict, democratic deficit, and technological progress. The Compagnia delle Opere's contribution in view of the European Elections.

AVSI. Distance support in Uganda (Photo: Emmanuel Museruka/Avsi)

AVSI: How good is multiplied

Current EventsDavide Perillo

AVSI’s "distance support" activity is something that goes far beyond economic aid to children in developing countries. In Uganda, for example, it has been "building a world" since 1993.

(Photo: Fondazione Maddalena Grassi)

The care for life: Without armor

Current EventsPaola Ronconi

In the April issue of Traces, Fr. Vincent Nagle, chaplain of the Maddalena Grassi Foundation, shares what he has discovered while accompanying sick patients.

The image from the Easter poster 2024. Duccio di Buoninsegna (1260 ca.-1318), Maestà, cymantium: "The Appearance of Christ behind closed doors". Museo dell’Opera Metropolitana, Siena, Italy Photo: Opera Metropolitana Siena/Scala, Florence

Easter 2024. The CL poster

Current Events

This year, the words of Pope Francis and Fr. Giussani are accompanied by Duccio di Buoninsegna's "The Appearance of Christ behind closed doors".

Alexej Navalny (Mitya Aleshkovsky/Wikimedia Commons)

Navalny: a rose is forever

Current EventsGiovanna Parravicini

What happened in Russia on February 16 reopened a wound that we were getting used to. And it reminded everyone again that “nothing exists without freedom.” After the death of the opposition leader, here is the provocation that his life represents.

Miguel Benasayag (© Isabella De Maddalena/ Portfolio)

The machine of the world

Current EventsStefano Filippi

Technological developments that revolutionize everyday reality: What becomes of the human after having delegated many functions to the computer? In February Traces, Miguel Benasayag, psychoanalyst and neurophysiologist, provides answers.

One of the last editions of the New York Encounter (Photo: NY Encounter)

Artificial Intelligence and the sleeping soul

Current EventsLuca Fiore

The New York Encounter 2024 kicks off on Friday, February 16. Among the protagonists at the Metropolitan Pavilion in Manhattan is an exhibition dedicated to AI. Curator Davide Bolchini explains what it touches upon and how it came about.

A little girl plays with a doll on the deck of the ship Vulcano (Photo: Alberto Reggiori)

"Me, a doctor, among the wounds of war"

Current EventsAlberto Reggiori

The testimony of Alberto Reggiori, a surgeon on a mission on the Italian ship Vulcano to provide aid to Palestinians fleeing the Gaza Strip.

Hong Kong (Unsplash/Spencer Chows)

A Catholic university for Hong Kong

Current EventsMaria Acqua Simi

The recognition of St. Francis, the first of its kind, by the Government of the autonomous territory of South East China. It is news that is "to be welcomed with cautious optimism", as Father Bernardo Cervellera, PIME missionary, explains.

Monsignor Paolo Bizzeti, Apostolic Vicar of Anatolia (Ansa-Abaca/Burak Milli/Anadolu Agency)

Bizzeti: "Let us not forget the Christians of Turkey"

Current EventsMaria Acqua Simi

The attack on a church in Istanbul on Sunday morning was just the latest event "in the escalation of violence in the region”, which does not only concern Ankara and its surroundings. The Apostolic Vicar of Anatolia speaks.

Elham at the headquarters of her association in Bethlehem

Holy Land: The law of forgiveness

Current EventsMaria Acqua Simi

Israel and Palestine, on either side stories of pain and death chase each other. Yet there are still those who manage to affirm a different logic, which starts with compassion and prayer. "In order not to stop believing that peace is possible."

People stock up on water in Dhaka, Bangladesh, because of drought (Kazi Salahuddin Razu/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Integral ecology. Against individualism

Current EventsMaria Acqua Simi

The environmental emergency is linked to migration, exploitation, unemployment, the struggle for resources that triggers conflict and generates poverty. Simona Beretta speaks about it in the January issue of Tracce.