Current Events - 2014

Fresco of the Nativity, Mistra. Via Wikimedia Commons

The Apparent Fragility That Continues to Cause Us to Reflect

Current EventsJulián Carrón

"Christmas invites us to convert first of all our view of the source of our salvation, that is, the solution to the problems that daily life presents us." A letter from Julian Carrón during Christmas season.

Monsignor Albacete via Traces

Faith: Intelligence of Reality

Current EventsJulián Carrón

In this letter Fr. Carron remembers the life of the late Fr. Lorenzo Albacete. He recalls Albacete's witness that " can become “intelligence of reality,” with his ability to recognize and embrace anyone without ambiguity..."

Pope Benedict XVI, Fr. Carron, Fr. Albacete [L-R] via Traces

I Lived a Beautiful Life

Current EventsGiorgio Vittadini

A close friend recounts the life of a man whose friendship with Fr. Giussani generated a new flourishing of the Movement in America.

Zacchaeus by Niels Larsen Stevns via Wikimedia Commons

Close to the Wounds of the Human Person

Current EventsGiorgio Paolucci

We share with you an interview with Julian Carrón published in the Italian daily Avvenire on the vigil of this important event, that is an opportunity to “return to the essential, to the newness that Christianity has brought into the world.”

Video Slate. Traces

The Beautiful Road

Current EventsPaola Bergamini

“Ordinary people with ordinary lives, who show us the few things that are necessary to live.” The producers of the video for the anniversary of Communion and Liberation recount the adventure of the past year, and give us a peek “behind the scenes.”

Fr. Julián Carrón

The Letter to Communion and Liberation Fraternity

Current EventsJulián Carrón

"I invite you, in this new stage of our story, to renew the desire to walk together toward destiny, toward Christ who won us over, in order to become children of Fr. Giussani more and more." A letter from Julián Carrón.

Spanish Flag. Creative Commons CC0

It is Good that You Exist

Current EventsIgnacio Carbajosa Pérez

The Rajoy government proposal to reverse the law legalizing abortion as a right has begun a painful debate. The author tells about the experience of the local CL community, which is trying to face the issue without censuring any facts.

Maidan Square during the 2014 Ukrainian Revolt. Photo by wikimedia commons

People Alive

Current EventsLuca Fiore

We visited Maidan Square, where history began speeding by. After the protests, the guerrilla warfare, and the deaths, the country is changing. But the people we met have already changed. Here’s why.

Le Bistro or The Wine Shop by Edward Hopper

What are You Looking For?

Current Events

"Vacation is 'the time of freedom,' as Fr. Giussani always reminded us. Freedom to do what?" In this time of leisure, we offer a reflection on the value of free time.

Martin Schulz

Either We Remake Europe...

Current EventsDavide Perillo

A Socialist father and a Catholic mother, a fascination with Willy Brandt, the rage of a 20-year-old, and the surprise of the Rimini Meeting. The President of the European Parliament tells his story in this article.

Flower sprouts in sidewalk crack. Via Pixabay

Is a New Beginning Possible?

Current EventsJulián Carrón

"Europe was born around a few great words, like person, work, matter, progress, and freedom ... But today all of these words have become empty, or they are gradually losing their original significance. Why?"

Clashes in Kyiv, Ukraine. Photo by Mstyslav Chernov via Wikimedia Commons

People Alive

Current EventsLuca Fiore

"Lisa wanted a new Ukraine, and wherever she goes, one thing is certain: 'For us, the victory is already in the fact that we have woken up.'" A look into the Revolution in Ukraine.

Father Luigi Giussani

Responsible for a Gift

Current EventsAngelo Scola

Our wonder at the encounter must become “an incessant prayer of entreaty.” Here are extracts from the homily of the Archbishop of Milan from the almost 200 Masses celebrated throughout the world to mark the 9th anniversary of of Fr. Giussiani's death.