Enzo Piccinini with Fr. Luigi Giussani

Enzo Piccinini: Nulla Osta received to initiate the cause of beatification

Erio Castellucci, Archbishop of Modena, made the announcement during Mass for the anniversary of death of the surgeon from Modena. The communication, which came from the Vatican, initiates the first phase of the process that will take place in his diocese

The nulla osta for the cause of beatification of Enzo Piccinini has been received from Rome. Monsignor Erio Castellucci, Archbishop of Modena, announced it at the end of Mass for the twenty-first anniversary of the death of the Modenese surgeon, friend and collaborator of Fr. Giussani, celebrated on Tuesday May 26 in the Cathedral of Carpi, in the presence of Monsignor Giovanni Mosciatti. The communication from the Vatican came as a surprise, just twelve months after the acceptance of the request to initiate the cause.

"The announcement made by the Archbishop could not have been more unexpected and fills us with amazement and joy", said Massimo Vincenzi, president of the Enzo Piccinini Foundation: "The fact that the communication came to coincide with Enzo’s anniversary mass further increases our gratitude. We consider the nulla osta from Rome as the fruit of Monsignor Castellucci’s personal care and attention, so that the processes of the causes of beatification of Piccinini and the other servants of God from our dioceses may proceed positively."

If the decision to accept the petition to initiate the cause of beatification is compared, as Castellucci explained, to enrolment at university, the nulla osta from Rome corresponds to the acceptance of that enrolment. This means that from today, the true process of the cause, which takes place in the servant of God’s diocese of origin, begins.

Monsignor Giovanni Mosciatti and Monsignor Erio Castellucci celebrating Mass for the anniversary of Enzo Piccinini's death

The Archbishop of Modena expressed his "great joy because a second step has been taken. Now it is really a matter of letting God’s people speak, through testimonies concerning Enzo. He is taking care of the rest."