In light of the recent presentation on "L'Impegno del Cristiano nel Mondo" in Milan, Italy, we published an excerpt from The Life of Luigi Giussani on the dialogue between theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar and Giussani around which the book is centered.
A century later, we look at the less-studied reason for the Russian Revolution through a journey begun at the Rimini Meeting with Bulgakov, Frank and their contemporaries. Their "conscious humanity" is precious to us today.
"Borges described the book that tells the story as “sublime.” Claudel wondered, “Who ever pleaded the cause of man with so much energy?” Here is why the Biblical story challenges our reason as modern women and men. " Article by Jot Down
In New York, a dialogue between Dr. Michael Waldestein and Fr. Solanus Benfatti, organized by Crossroads Cultural Center. The fascination and life of Msgr. Giussani, in his relationship between faith and modernity.
There is much talk of a post-truth society and of “scams.” However, these are merely consequences of the absence of concreteness. John Waters journeys through our way of staying informed. From the May issue of Tracce.