World - 2004

AVSI logo. Via Wikimedia Commons

Living in a New Way at Work and in the Family

WorldFrancis Nkafor

His encounter with the Movement in Nigeria radically changed his way of facing daily life, from the choice of work to the use of money. The extraordinary at the heart of normality.

Fr. Pietro Tiboni.

True Peace for Rwanda

WorldPietro Tiboni

"Only the encounter with a new experience, which already lives reconciliation, can give the strength to generate forgiveness and thus peace." Fr. Pietro Tiboni on the situation in Rwanda.

The Kampala Skyline. Wikimedia Commons

Our Joy in a Situation of Despair

WorldPier Alberto Bertazzi

From Uganda to Nigeria, a journey amongst communities of the Movement that includes university students, AVSI volunteers, and Memores Domini: A people at work, building, never giving up hope for salvation.