School - 2004

'The Virgin in Prayer' by Artist Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato via Wikimedia Commons

Mission in Africa: Teaching to Teach

SchoolGiuliano Imbasciati

The presence of the priests of the Fraternity of St Charles Borromeo, in Nairobi since 1997: the building of a church, a kindergarten and a new house for African missionaries.

Leon Kass. Wikimedia Commons

The Task of Education: Caring for the “I”

SchoolMaurizio Maniscalco

One of the nation’s leading authorities on bioethics, the multi-faceted Leon Kass, talks candidly about following his vocation to education, his thoughts on science and religion, and his love for life and the common good of all.

The Kampala Skyline. Wikimedia Commons

Uganda. A Point of Radical Newness

SchoolKizito, Giovanna, and Clara

The example of St Kizito in Kampala: Courses for teachers in some of the country’s scholastic institutions, to propose a new method of teaching.

A Market in Lagos, Nigeria. Wikimedia Commons

Nigeria. Beauty and Creativity


The CLU (CL university) students of Lagos, starting from life at the university, have begun working on Fr Giussani’s book. “You only need to follow an encountered beauty.”

A Teacher with His Student. Wikimedia Commons

Willy. A Hope for the People

SchoolJohn Williams

“Everyone has to look out for himself.” This was his philosophy of life before the encounter with a group of friends occurred.