Editorials - Page 12

Traces N.10, November 2001

EditorialsGetting Our Hands Dirty

One hundred thirty seven years ago, John Henry Newman wrote, “Observing the world far and wide, the vicissitudes of its history, the multiplicity of human races, their beginnings, fates, mutual alienation, conflicts; the feats or purposeless wanderings;...

Traces N.9, October 2001

EditorialsFreedom, But Where is It's Source?

In these weeks that slip by, covered by the leaden feeling of war, numerous comments have been made on a theme batted about by politicians, writers, and journalists. Are our civilization and our culture “superior” to the others, and in particular,...

Traces N.8, September 2001


The terrorist acts perpetrated on the United States represent, first of all, a horrendous surprise. The symbols of power in the world were demolished, bringing thousands of dead down with them. It is as though the power, the greatest display of the human...

Traces N.7, July/August 2001

EditorialsPreconception and Reality

At the upcoming Meeting in Rimini, a great exhibition will shed light on one of the most recent periods in which Italian culture has discussed “realisms.” This is a timely topic. It is a fact that in the modern era one of the words whose commonly accepted...

Traces N.6, June 2001

EditorialsThe Great Sacrifice of the Journey

It very often happens that intellectuals, theologians, and other representatives of that category which Charles Péguy called the “clerical clericals” set themselves to criticizing what the Pope says or does. They claim to represent “the simple faithful”...

Traces N.5, May 2001

Editorials"I Am an Infinity Cry"

On the walls of our cities and in the media for a number of months, there has been a recurrent factor in many advertising campaigns: an insistence on the “I.” “Because I’m worth it,” say some famous (and affluent) figures as they hold up perfume or other...

Traces N.4, April 2001

EditorialsA Question of Power

St. Ambrose’s hymn for Easter says that from that day on, the only one to die is death. This text reminds us of how the thief stole at the end, he grabbed eternal life at the last instant, and through a wondrous mystery, the flesh of One saved the flesh...

Traces N.3, March 2001

EditorialsEvent, Majesty of Mystery

We offer as this month’s editorial the notes of Father Giussani’s closing words to the CL National Council on Saturday, February 17th. They provide a further deepening of the thoughts expressed in February’s Word Among Us (“Charism and History”),...

Traces N.2, February 2001

Editorials"And What am I?"

If 2000 was the year of the Jubilee, what will 2001 be? Already many have let themselves be tempted by the reference to Stanley Kubrick’s famous film, 2001: A Space Odyssey. In effect, many of the questions now on the table have to do with the problem of...

Traces N.1, January 2001

EditorialsWhat is the Meaning of the Word Peace

In this, the first issue of 2001, we offer a letter from Fr. Giussani to the editor of la Repubblica, which appeared in the December 24, 2000, issue of the daily newspaper Dear Editor, The bomb placed a few days ago on the roof of the Milan Cathedral...

Traces N.11, December 2000

EditorialsThe Event that Creates a People

A people arises in history as the result of an event. This event can be the personality of a king or a saint, or a series of happenings which is seen in a new light by the consciousness of some persons. But what are the phenomena that mark the existence...

Traces N.10, November 2000

EditorialsScandal and Wonder

The Jubilee of youth, of the elderly, university students, artists, sports figures, the sick, politicians… Many have grimaced at the series of great gatherings around the Pope to celebrate the second millennium since the birth of Christ. Some have made...

Traces N.9, October 2000

EditorialsThe Stakes of the Game

Forty years ago, in the classes where Father Giussani started teaching, the discussion between him and his students focused immediately on the relationship between faith and reason. His young interlocutors felt the two concepts were diverging lines that...

Traces N.8, September 2000

EditorialsOur, Freedom, Others' Prejudice

The following editorial is a commentary on World Youth Day and on the Meeting in Rimini by Giancarlo Cesana, which appeared in the Italian daily newspaper, Avvenire, on August 24th After commenting extensively and exhaustively on the Jubilee of Youth,...

Traces N.7, July/August 2000


On Saturday, June 24th, the CL National Council met in Milan. At the end of the session, Father Giussani offered a few thoughts summarizing the CL year just ending. We present it now to everyone, as a judgment on the life of the Movement and as a point of...

Traces N.6, June 2000

EditorialsLay, that is, Christian

In recent weeks, turning the pages of Italian newspapers and news magazines of the so-called “lay” or even “secular” area, it has not been rare to find articles about the presence in society of a “phenomenon” called CL. The exploration that begins with...

Traces N.5, May 2000

EditorialsA Passion for Man

Some recent events (the elections, the birth of a new government, referendum) have put politics back in the center of the debate in Italy. In recent years this word, as a result of demonization in courtrooms and the media, has been unpopular. Today...

Traces N.4, April 2000

EditorialsPresence, Only Presence

Pope John Paul II's recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land filled the pages of newspapers and television services all over the world. The event's importance was stressed and commented on in many ways. However, there was one fact that struck everyone, as the...

Traces N.3, March 2000

EditorialsPolitics: Education, Freedom, and Unity

You need good reasons, these days, to sustain a commitment to politics. In a moment like this, it is more evident that political action and even an interest in it are directly linked to a question of education: in fact, the purpose of political commitment...

Traces N.2, February 2000

Editorials"What, Then, Will Anyone Gain by Winning the Whole World and Forfeiting His Life?"

We are all busy. Life in our society, rapid and demanding, invites us to take on more and more commitments. Work commitments, commitments to ourselves, with the family, commitments for… Agendas are one of the best selling items. The man of the third...

Traces N.1, January 2000

EditorialsThe Beginning of History

Forbes A.S.A.P. magazine has published a collector's issue on the theme of "convergence." The separation of faith and reason reduces faith to a mere idea among other ideas, permissible according to one overarching idea: the hegemony of dollar Some of...