Editorials - Page 9

Traces N.7, July/August 2007

EditorialsThe Insertion of the Eternal into Time

Man has always sought something that could fulfill the positive tension within him and counter the nothingness in which everything seems to end. From his earliest rock paintings to his evolved compositions in verse and music, he has striven to invent...

Traces N.6, June 2007

EditorialsThe Surprise of St. John Lateran Square An Event No Scheme Can Classify

A bitter cultural battle has been going on in Italy for months now, in defence of the family. On May 12th, Rome was the scene of a demonstration that saw the participation of over a million Catholics and non-Catholics, resolved to reaffirm and promote...

Traces N.5, May 2007

EditorialsWhat Good Is Jesus?

“What good is Jesus?” How many times have we been asked this question? How many times have we asked it ourselves? We’re asked by friends who are curious about the faith; others use it to express their acidic skepticism. “Don’t you see what kind of world...

Traces N.4, April 2007

EditorialsThe Pope's Challenge and Our Responsibility

Milan, March 28, 2007 Dear Friends, The impressive event that we lived on Saturday, March 24th in St. Peter’s Square will mark our history for ever. Only if we identify ourselves with what happened will we discover, in time, its whole import. The...

Traces N.3, March 2007

EditorialsThe Pope’s Challenge and Our Responsibility

Some time ago, the well-known editor of an Italian daily informed a large audience that it was quite some time that something had changed in what they, the journalists (and, along with them, intellectuals and opinion leaders), call “Catholicism.” As a...

Traces N.2, February 2007

EditorialsA Free Friendship

The recognition obtained by the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation twenty-five years ago from the Holy See meant for Fr. Giussani–and for the Movement–a confirmation of paternity and an indication of a direction. He spoke of it many times. In the...

Traces N.1, January 2007

EditorialsFaith and Nihilism. Let’s Not Close Our Eyes

We publish here an article by Fr. Carrón printed in the Italian daily Il Corriere della Sera (December 28, 2006) and in the Spanish edition El Mundo (December 26, 2006) Dear Sir, The human and cultural context in which we live can be identified with...

Traces N.11, December 2006

EditorialsThe Indomitable Positivity that Rules the Pope’s Heart

In the biblical teaching about creation, matter (the cosmos) and human personhood (the spiritual) cannot be separated. There must be a connection between the end of the world as a subjective anthropological experience and a cosmological event Benedict...

Traces N.10, November 2006

EditorialsSurprise by a Fact

“What makes us grow and broadens our mind is not abstract reasoning, but the discovery in humanity of a moment in which the truth is reached and spoken. This is the great inversion of method that marks the passage from the religious sense to faith–no...

Traces N.9, October 2006

EditorialsThe Pope is Challenging Us All on the Proper Use of Reason

The recent accusation brought against Pope Benedict XVI for having called for an adequate use of reason and a correct relationship between reason and faith concerns us. It is the same accusation thrown at Fr. Giussani and many others every time they...

Traces N.8, September 2006

Editorials“Liberating” Reason

Final press release for the 27th Meeting for Friendship Among Peoples Among the over 120 events (“encounters”) at the Meeting for Friendship Among Peoples 2006, in Rimini, Italy, one was dedicated to the presentation of the first Arab edition of The...

Traces N.7, July/August 2006

EditorialsMeeting 2006: A Celebration of Reason

In Massachusetts, a coalition of clergy from different faiths recently issued a statement accusing the Catholic Church of “religious discrimination” because of its public efforts against the legalization of same-sex marriages. According to them, it is...

Traces N.6, June 2006

EditorialsThe Unassailable Fascination of Christianity Christ Who Begs for Man’s Heart

We offer the text of Fr. Julián Carrón’s address before Pope Benedict XVI, during the Meeting with Ecclesial Movements and New Communities. Fr. Carrón commented on the Canticle during the recitation of Vespers on the Vigil of Pentecost. St. Peter’s...

Traces N.5, May 2006

Editorials“Everything for Me You Were and Are”

It must have happened to you recently to have heard a mother express her anxieties over her children’s future, or to have heard a businessman complaining about the present economic situation. You must have seen some of the countless statistics that...

Traces N.4, April 2006

EditorialsA New Birth

April, a year ago, John Paul II died. His figure and testimony moved the world deeply and changed the lives of many. Men of all kinds and cultures acknowledge how he served life with great hope. Passionate about man because he was passionate about Christ,...

Traces N.3, March 2006

EditorialsBenedict XVI’s Letter on the First Anniversary of the Death of Fr. Giussani

To Reverend Fr. Julián Carrón On the occasion of the first anniversary of the death of Monsignor Luigi Giussani, father and teacher of many young people, to whom he indicated Christ as the center of their existence, I associate myself spiritually with...

Traces N.2, February 2006

EditorialsThe Beginning of Being Christian, an Event

“Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a Person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.” In the first lines of his recent encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, Benedict XVI wrote...

Traces N.1, January 2006

EditorialsFaith and Mystery. Ratzinger’s Christianity: Beautiful and Joyous

We offer here Fr. Carrón’s article published in the Italian daily Corriere della Sera on December 24, 2005, and in the Spanish daily El Mundo on December 26th “Each one apprehends confusedly a good/ in which the soul may rest and desires it,/ so each...

Traces N.11, December 2005

EditorialsA Proposal for Facing Reality

What do a famous singer like Mina and one of the many mothers of Rome have in common? They both responded in the same way to the appeal launched in mid-November by more than fifty figures from the Italian worlds of culture and economy: “If there were an...

Traces N.10, November 2005

EditorialsThe Urgency of Reason

In recent times, the discussion concerning the faith and its “public” value, that is, faith’s relationship with the capacity to reason and the impact it can have on the life of society and its problems, has become more vigorous. It is a debate that has...

Traces N.9, October 2005

EditorialsTo Educate: The Greatest Risk of Life

The word “risk” isn’t very fashionable these days, unless perhaps in terms of something to do with business or sports. And yet, for revival of various sectors of our society–from the economy to politics–many are calling for a renewed capacity for risk....