Fr Giussani: "I Am Zero, God is All"
EncountersBy Dino Boffo from the italian daily Avvenire , October 13, 2002
By Dino Boffo from the italian daily Avvenire , October 13, 2002
An exclusive interview with the French philosopher who, in his latest book (L’imparfait du présent) speaks about modern man’s resentment toward reality as given. He urges an existential conversion, replacing the pleasure principle with gratitude.
Padre Pio in the testimony of two physicians, husband and wife, who lived alongside him for years at San Giovanni Rotondo. The encounter with a man changed by Christ, who changed the life of those around him and remains a companion on the journey.
Born in Jerusalem, he later settled in Haifa, where he teaches Comparative Literature at the university. From the beginning, his work has centered on the Arab-Israeli question.