Eduardiño’s Revenge
EncountersSalvador de Bahia, Ribeira Azul. Among the desperate humanity of the Brazilian alagados, a young boy’s story. Ten years ago the encounter with a priest that changed his life. From violence to a constructive positivity
Salvador de Bahia, Ribeira Azul. Among the desperate humanity of the Brazilian alagados, a young boy’s story. Ten years ago the encounter with a priest that changed his life. From violence to a constructive positivity
The death of a young Italian woman after a long illness. An encouraging testimony for bearing the dramatic circumstances of life and the striving of personal faith. The journey toward holiness, a very concrete ideal for all
Mocked, never believed, arrested, beaten, condemned to death. But after exile there is return; after the cross comes resurrection. The story of one of the most dramatic figures of the Old Testament
Signs of economic recovery and human renewal. From an unexpected friendship, a contagious ideal that, one person after another, is changing a small part of a social and civic reality. GS Kazakhstan: an example and a possibility for all.
After the defeat of Israel at the hands of the Philistines, Samuel and Nathan appear in history. Two new interlocutors chosen by God to retie the thread of the Covenant, and to give a king to the Chosen People
Fr Berton has written us from Sierra Leone. The horrors of the war, his kids and their need to start over again and to be welcomed.
St Patrick evangelized the island in the 5th century. In 1980, three Italian university students started the first CL community and the challenge, in a moment of economic depression, to set up an English school for foreigners.
Seeds scattered on the green field of America: small communities of the Movement are springing up here and there in original, unpredictable ways. Indiana, Missouri, Evansville, Raleigh, Houston... A brief look at some of these stories...
At Lake Placid, on vacation with the American university students. The individualism versus the wonder at a newness and a friendship that is deeply moving. A testimony of an Italian student
After the death of his parents, he was alone with four younger siblings to raise. His encounter with the friends in the Movement who helped him continue his studies. A full life until January 27th.
In the “wasteland” recounted by Eliot, where Catholics are 10% of the population, the history of the British CL community. Starting from the experience of Fisher House at Cambridge all the way to the economic heart of the capital.
Traces begins here a journey through the life of CL communities in Europe, starting with France, the favorite daughter of Rome. The paternal embrace of Cardinal Lustiger. A history of faithfulness that has lasted forty years.