News - 2024 - Page 4

The Pope during the meeting with the Diplomatic Corps at the Holy See (Vatican Media/Catholic Press Photo)

Pope Francis: "The path to peace"

ChurchPope Francis

In his address to the Diplomatic Corps, the Pope's view of today's world, amid conflicts, crises, discrimination, new technologies. From respect for life in every moment to the need for education, the road to a "profound renewal".

Kyiv, 3 January 2024. Volunteers remove rubble after a bombing (Photo: ANSA)

Sigov: "The logic of Christmas and Ukraine at war"

Current EventsAlberto Perrucchini

The Kyiv-based philosopher reflects on the contrast between the Feast of the Incarnation and the ongoing violence in conflict-affected countries. “Certain events weigh much more heavily in the judgement of history than the shadows of the pharaohs.”