News - 2024 - Page 3

The anti-government youth demonstrations in Kenya (Ansa/Epa/Daniel Iringu)

Kenya: The uprisings and the good we seek

Current EventsMaria Acqua Simi

The protests of young people, the desire for freedom and justice, and the work on the eighth chapter of The Religious Sense. Some friends from Nairobi speak of what sustains them as their country descends into chaos.

Davide Prosperi and Pope Francis at the audience on October 15, 2022 for Fr. Giussani's centenary (Catholic Press Photo)

Prosperi: "Faith, a new gaze at the world"

Current EventsMarco Ascione

The life of the movement and key steps taken in recent years, including the relationship with politics and culture. The President of the Fraternity speaks in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

The statue of Matteo Ricci in the city center of Macau (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

“Love given for the sake of love”

ChurchMaria Acqua Simi

The figure of Matteo Ricci, the evangelizer in China cited at the Exercises, recounted in the June issue of Tracce by Fr. Antonio Sergianni: “Why did he do what he did, why did he behave as he did? Not to do works, but to bring Christ.”

Foto iStock/Giovanni Seabra

Infinite dignity

CulturePaola Bergamini

In the June issue of Traces, a dialogue with theologian Javier Prades on the recent Vatican Declaration: “A judgment on the present and a meeting point for those who share the value of the person proposed by the church.”

Davide Prosperi greets the Holy Father after a private audience (Vatican Media/Catholic Press Photo)

"Faithful to the charism, creative in the world"


The letter from the President of the Fraternity of CL, Davide Prosperi, addressed to the entire movement after the private audience with the Holy Father on Saturday, June 15, 2024.

During the presentation (Photo: Fausto Ferioli)

Giussani-Niebuhr: Generative thought, authentic sonship

Current EventsMaurizio Crippa

The presentation of the book of Fr. Giussani’s doctoral thesis at the Catholic University in Milan. Speakers included the Archbishop of Milan, Mario Delpini, and rector emeritus, Lorenzo Ornaghi, among others.

Pope Francis at meeting with moderators of lay associations, movements and new communities. Rome, June 13, 2024 (Photo: Fraternity CL)

The Pope to movements: "be for the Church"

ChurchPope Francis

"Thinking as God thinks, overcoming exclusiveness, and cultivating humility." Francis spoke at the meeting of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life with moderators of lay associations, ecclesial movements and new communities.

A moment of celebration in the parish of Bad Godesberg (Photo: Fsc)

Bonn: re-proposing the faith today, beyond divisions

ChurchStefano Filippi

Listening and dialogue without giving up the proclamation of truth. This is how a community of priests from Fraternity of St. Charles is reviving the life of their parish in Bad Godesberg, in the middle of the Synodal Way of the German Church.

Davide Prosperi and Letizia Bardazzi, president of AIC

Culture: to be for Christ

CultureDavide Prosperi

Notes from the speech by Davide Prosperi, President of the Fraternity of CL, at the assembly of the Association of Italian Cultural Centers ((Milan, May 18, 2024)

(Photo: Macerata-Loreto Pilgrimage)

Macerata-Loreto: “What the world considers simply madness"

ChurchDavide Prosperi

The message of Davide Prosperi, President of the Fraternity of CL, on the occasion of the 46th overnight pilgrimage between the two cities in the Marche region in Italy, which will take place on Saturday, June 8, 2024.

One of the two exhibitions at Forum Paris

The bridges of Paris

CultureMartino Borello and Marta Montemerlo

The first edition of the Forum Paris, a ‘meeting’ that was born from the spark of the “prophecy for peace”, to the surprise of the Pope's greeting for the event. Art, dialogues on current events, and the desire to encounter everyone.

Karaganda Cathedral, dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima (Wikimedia Commons)

Kazakhstan: Thirty years since the beginning

Current EventsMaria Acqua Simi

The CL community was born in the country in 1994. An unpredictable story, today more alive than ever, as testified by Lyubov. She speaks of ‘The Lighthouse’, an aid centre for young people with disabilities.

AVSI's distance support projects in Iraq (Photo: Avsi)

AVSI: Samia’s exercise books

Current EventsLuca Fiore

Distance support for 450 Iraqi children. A project of the Italian NGO that started in 2015 to help a people return to living after the Isis occupation.

Fr. Luigi Giussani (Fraternità CL)

"My Niebuhr"

CultureElisa Buzzi*

Fr. Giussani's doctoral thesis dedicated to the American theologian. An opportunity to empathize with his vibrant ecumenical passion, and with that "Christian realism" that marked his thought. From the May issue of Tracce.

Ian Knowles' icon of 'Our Lady who brings down walls' in Bethlehem (Catholic Press Photo)

Our Lady of the wall

CultureAnna Leonardi

The Virgin who suffers for all, painted on a corner of the dividing wall in Bethlehem, where, for years, the Rosary has been recited every Friday. The work's author, iconographer Ian Knowles, speaks about it in the May issues of Tracce.

Monsignor Mario Delpini signs the documents for the opening of the Testimonial Phase. On his right, Monsignor Ennio Apeciti (Photo: Pino Franchino/Fraternity CL)

Fr. Giussani: The fascination of the charism

ChurchMario Delpini*

The opening of the testimonial phase of the Cause of Beatification of the founder of CL. The words of the Archbishop of Milan, Monsignor Mario Delpini, and the greeting of Davide Prosperi. Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio, May 9, 2024.

Pope Francis issues the Bull of Indiction for the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025. St. Peter's Basilica, May 9, 2024 (Photo: Riccardo Antimiani/Ansa)

Hope does not disappoint

ChurchPope Francis

Yesterday, May 9, in St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis proclaimed the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025 with the Bull "Spes non confundit".

Monsignor Delpini's edict (Photo: Unsplash/Sofi)

Fr. Giussani, the edict of the Archbishop of Milan


In view of the first public session of the Testimonial Phase on May 9, we publish the text in which Monsignor Delpini invites those interested to provide documented and truthful news for the better understanding of the founder of CL.