"The proclamation does not begin from us, but from the beauty of what we have received for free, without merit: meeting Jesus, knowing Him, discovering that we are loved and saved." Pope Francis' General Audience (Rome, February 15).
Celebrations for the 18th anniversary of Fr. Giussani's death and the 41st of the pontifical recognition of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation.
The collapsed cathedral, the fear, the dead, taking in the displaced. And that mass celebrated with survivors of any religion.... From the city of Iskenderun, in the Diocese of Antioch, the account of Turkish Jesuit Fr. Antuan Ilgit
One of the most devastating earthquakes in Middle Eastern history. Thousands killed and wounded, in an area already tried by years of war. Yet "some already know where to start again."
The Holy Father's homily during mass at the "John Garang" Mausoleum in Juba at the close of his apostolic visit to Congo and South Sudan (Feb. 5, 2023)
Sexual fluidity and the anthropological crisis, its causes and consequences. From the January issue of Tracce, a dialogue with Alberto Frigerio, priest, doctor, and professor of Ethics.
On Friday, January 13, the President of the Fraternity of CL was received by the Holy Father. Prosperi's message to the entire movement after the meeting with Francis.
"The time has come for all of us to endeavour to heal our society" for "a more just and peaceful world, and to commit ourselves seriously to pursuing a good that is truly common." The message for the 56th World Day of Peace.
Pope Francis' address to members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, wishing "this year to be a call for peace in a world that is witnessing heightened divisions and wars" (January 9, 2023).
A dialogue with the Apostolic Nuncio, Monsignor Alberto Ortega, and a friend who lives a few kilometers from the conflict in Ukraine. The meeting organized by the Chilean community a few weeks ago.
The text of the dialogue with Davide Prosperi about Fr. Luigi Giussani, on the occasion of the Centenary that has just ended. The conversation took place at the EncuentroMadrid, on November 12, 2022.
January 7 marks 150th anniversary of the birth of Charles Péguy. A portrait of the French writer and poet, from childhood to his abandonment of the Church and battles for other ideals. Until his rediscovery of faith, and the "sovereignty of the event".
"True knowledge is being struck by the dart of beauty that wounds man, being touched by reality." From the Traces archive, " we republish the speech of the then Cardinal Ratzinger at the 2002 Rimini Meeting.
Thursday, January 5, starting at 9:30 a.m. (GMT+1), live from St. Peter's Square, the Holy Mass for the funeral of the Pope Emeritus. The booklet for the celebration is also available online.
"Jesus Christ is truly the Way, the Truth, and the Life - and the Church, in all her shortcomings, is truly His Body." The words of the Pope Emeritus released by the Holy See.