Malaysia: At the origin of a friendship

Games, songs, a testimony, and good food. The chronicle of a day spent sharing themselves with other families, parishioners and colleagues, rediscovering a sense of true freedom
(Photo: Giovanni Dinatolo)
About CLThe Christian Proposal as the Adventure of Life
School of CommunityThe notes and indications of method
Athens (Unsplash/Topsphere Media)
That "piece of heaven" in AthensThe Fraternity Exercises for the small community of Greece, inviting friends from other movements
Fr. Abdo Raad (Photo: Elisa Gestri)
Lebanon: “Among refugees to make room for miracles"Fr. Abdo Raad works in Lebanese refugee camps. Not out of welfarism, he says, but out of love
"Faithful to the charism, creative in the world"Davide Prosperi's letter after the private audience with the Holy Father on June 15
The statue of Matteo Ricci in the city center of Macau (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
“Love given for the sake of love”The figure of Matteo Ricci, the evangelizer in China cited at the Exercises, recounted by Fr. Antonio Sergianni
Ignazio Beghi (Photo: Fraternity St. Charles)
“When the heart rests on God's promises, life flourishes”The ordinations in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome
Foto iStock/Giovanni Seabra
Infinite dignity From the June issue of Traces, a dialogue with theologian Javier Prades on the recent Vatican Declaration
The Pope to movements: "be for the Church"Pope Francis at the meeting of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life with moderators of lay associations
A unity to live and share: Oxford Convergence 2024A two-day cultural event in Oxford to address the question: “Can we live without fear today?”
During the presentation (Photo: Fausto Ferioli)
Giussani-Niebuhr: Generative thought, authentic sonshipThe presentation of the book of Fr. Giussani’s doctoral thesis at the Catholic University in Milan
The GS vacation of the Luigi Giussani High School
GS Uganda: With eyes wide open to beautyAn account of the vacation of the young people from the Luigi GiussanI High School in Kampala on Lake Bunyonyi
Culture: to be for ChristNotes from the speech by Davide Prosperi, President of the Fraternity of CL, at the assembly of the Association of Italian Cultural Centers
“To hope, my child, you would have received a great grace”The June issue of Traces is now available. Read the editorial online
Photo: Unsplash/Bernd Dittrich
To not get used to the bombsA teacher, a student “wounded” by the war in Ukraine, and a film that helps rediscover the Pope's call for peace
A moment of celebration in the parish of Bad Godesberg (Photo: Fsc)
Bonn: re-proposing the faith today, beyond divisionsA community of priests from Fraternity of St. Charles is reviving the life of their parish in the middle of the Synodal Way
Macerata-Loreto. Davide Prosperi's messageSaturday, June 8, the 46th night pilgrimage. The words of the President of the Fraternity
The bridges of ParisThe first edition of the Forum Paris, a ‘meeting’ that was born from the spark of the “prophecy for peace”
Karaganda Cathedral, dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima (Wikimedia Commons)
Kazakhstan: Thirty years since the beginningThe CL community was born in the country in 1994, and today it is more alive than ever
Mother Teresa of Calcutta's Missionary Sisters of Charity as they assist a sick person in a field hospital (Ansa-Sfor)
Sister Frederick: The revolution of piety A journalist remembers the recently deceased sister of the Missionaries of Charity
"I took you as Mine"The heart of Enzo's life: friendship with Christ as the path towards the pinnacle of humanity
With the children of the João Paulo II Educational Centre in Salvador de Bahia
Brazil: “The hug that reaches your marrow”A trip to Salvador de Bahia, after listening to the testimony of Paola Cigarini who has been working among the favelados for years
The possible embraceTwo fathers, one Israeli, the other Palestinian, whose daughters were killed in the conflict, reconciled in the Parents' Circle association
Carlo Acutis
Carlo Acutis soon to be a SaintThe Pope has recognized a miracle attributable to his intercession. Reread the story of the young man from Milan
Enzo on a hike to Mount Cusna, in the Apennines of Reggio Emilia (Photo by Enzo Piccinini Foundation)
"My encounter with Enzo Piccinini”From Argentina, the testimony of someone who 'encountered' Piccinini after his death
Fr. Luigi Giussani (Fraternità CL)
"My Niebuhr"Fr. Giussani's doctoral thesis dedicated to the American theologian. An opportunity to empathize with his vibrant ecumenical passion
Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa during his speech at the Lateran University (Ansa/Claudio Peri)
Peace made of forgiveness, truth, and justiceThe "Lectio magistralis" of Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa at the Lateran University on May 2
AVSI: Samia’s exercise booksDistance support for 450 Iraqi children. A project of the Italian NGO that started in 2015 to help a people return to living after the Isis occupation
Ian Knowles' icon of 'Our Lady who brings down walls' in Bethlehem (Catholic Press Photo)
Our Lady of the wallIconographer Ian Knowles speaks about his Virgin, painted on a corner of the dividing wall in Bethlehem
Fr. Giussani: The fascination of the charismThe opening of the testimonial phase of the Cause of Beatification of the founder of CL. The words of the Archbishop of Milan, Monsignor Mario Delpini, and the greeting of Davide Prosperi. Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio, May 9, 2024
Jesus Carrascosa (Fraternità CL)
An 84-year-old boyThe testimony of a friend of Jesús Carrascosa, who died on January 9, at the most recent Assembly of Latin American Leaders
Pope Francis issues the Bull of Indiction for the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025. St. Peter's Basilica, May 9, 2024 (Photo: Riccardo Antimiani/Ansa)
Hope does not disappointYesterday, May 9, in St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis proclaimed the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025 with the Bull "Spes non confundit".
Easter 2024. The videoposter
Giussani: "The real protagonist of history is the beggar" (1998)
Christmas 2023. The Communion and Liberation poster
The Religious Sense - presentation in Milan (05.02.2023)
Giussani: "What is life? It is to be loved"
Pope Francis' audience with CL
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