Fr. Luigi Giussani

Brief bibliography

The Life of Luigi Giussani by Alberto Savorana is a comprehensive biography of the founder of CL. In addition to reconstructing, for the first time, the priest’s entire trajectory as a man, it offers readers a testimony to the legacy he leaves for the lives of many and for the Church.

Among the number of volumes dedicated to Fr. Giussani and the history of CL, we’d like to recommend Bishop Massimo Camisasca’s book In cammino dentro il mondo [A Journey Within the World], which covers the time period from 1954 to 1984.

In the course of his life, Fr. Giussani published a great deal. As he himself said, “We want to show the rationality and usefulness for modern man of this response to the drama of existence called the ‘Christian event.’” The primary publisher in Italy is Rizzoli publishing (in addition to Jaca Book, Edizioni San Paolo, Marietti, SEI, Piemme). A large number have been translated, ranging from English to Chinese to Arabic.

To list a few of his most important works, with English translations in brackets if available:

His complete bibliography is available on the website, where it is possible to view any of his Italian works and some texts in English online and learn about the editorial history of each publication
The complete list of books currently on the market may be found in the Publications section of this website, where they may also be purchased online