Fr. Carrón's message

Dearest Fr. Sergio and fellow monks of the Cascinazza,

Grateful for the good you do in my life, I celebrate with you the beginning of a new stage in your journey, certain that the best is yet to come. The Spirit of Christ has taken the "yes" of each one of you and generated the miracle of a unity of your ‘I’ and among yourselves that would otherwise be impossible. You give flesh and blood to what Fr. Giussani said to you: "The monastery is like the life of man on the threshold of eternity, that is, it is the moment in which humanity begins to be itself, because it becomes aware of its origin, its consistency and its destiny, of its end."

I wish you to be ever more willing to support the way in which the Mystery has become and continues to become an attractive presence in each of your lives, so that – in imitation of Our Lady – you may always be "a living fountain of hope" for all the people who meet you.

Your brother in Christ,
Fr. Julián Carrón