The Fraternity

The Fraternity of CL is a Universal Association of the Faithful recognized during the 1980s: the first official recognition was dated July 11, 1980, signed by Abbot Matronola of Montecassino, and the recognition from the Pontifical Council for the Laity followed on February 11, 1982. It is made up of adults who freely commit themselves to following Christ and the Church through the method passed down by the founder (cfr. The Work of the Movement. The Fraternity of Communion and Liberation).
In the mid-1970s, a number of CL members, having completed their university studies, wanted to deepen their belonging to the Church within their lives as adults, in order to develop as mature Christian men and women.
In his letter sent to Fr. Giussani for the 20th anniversary of Pontifical recognition, John Paul II summarized the purpose of the Fraternity in these words: “In reviewing the life and actions of the Fraternity and of the Movement, the first impressive feature is the ability to listen to the needs of human beings today. The human person never stops seeking. […] Therefore the Movement wanted and wants to point out not a way but the way to arrive at the solution of this existential drama. The way, as you have said so often, is Christ. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life who reaches the person in his daily existence. The discovery of this way usually takes place through the mediation of other human beings. Identified through the gift of faith by the encounter with the Redeemer, believers are called to become an echo of the event of Christ, to become themselves an ‘event’.”

Founded by Fr. Giussani and presided over by him up to his death, the Fraternity of CL was led by Fr. Julián Carrón until 2021, who was elected president by the Central Diaconia as the founder's successor. On November 15, 2021, following the General Decree on Associations of the Faithful promulgated by the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life, Fr. Carrón communicated his decision to resign in a letter to the Fraternity, in order to immediately facilitate the process of change required of international associations of the faithful recognized by the Holy See. Following his resignation, as of November 27, 2021, Davide Prosperi, the Vice-President, succeeded him as President.
At present, the Fraternity in all its smaller groups – spread across the continents – numbers about 60,000 adults committed to following the path to holiness, which is recognized as the goal of their existence and of their friendship. Membership entails a simple rule of life and personal ascesis: daily moments of prayer; participation in gatherings for spiritual formation, including the annual Spiritual Exercises and retreats; and a commitment to give support, financial and otherwise, for charitable, missionary and cultural initiatives promoted or supported by the Fraternity.

“Believers are called to become an echo of the event of Christ, to become themselves an ‘event.’” (Pope Saint John Paul II)

Fraternity of Communion and Liberation
Via De Notaris 50 - 20128, Milan
T. +39 02.66595088