Let us begin to judge: it is the beginning of liberation

The texts of Francesco Fadigati's testimony and Matteo Severgnini's synthesis of the Gioventù Studentesca Equipe. La Thuile, 8-10 September 2023

You can’t hear anything. You think it must be the glass protecting the balcony overlooking the lounge of the Planibel in La Thuile. But no. Even moving around, nothing changes. Over six hundred high school students (accompanied by a few adults or teachers) fill the rows of seats without making the slightest noise, ready for the start of the GS Equipe. There is usually music to accompany the entrance into the hall. Beethoven, Chopin… Not this time. These are the last remnants of the holidays and school will start again for everyone in a few days. And since we have come here from all over Italy (and beyond), after weeks or months without seeing each other, who knows how many things they have to tell each other. But instead nothing. All in silence. Indeed, all waiting. Because we cannot get used to the fact that there is music during the entrance to the hall, because it is not an aesthetic accessory for us to enjoy, as is explained just before the notes of Schubert’s Incompiuta fill the hall. Now they have a different flavour, an interesting sound, a friendly face [...]

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