Julián Carrón, the return to reality in the difficult days of the coronavirus

A feature on Fr. Julián Carrón's new ebook, Reawakening Our Humanity, in which he is interviewed by Alberto Savorana and discusses the relevance of faith in this "dizzying time" of Coronavirus.

In these difficult times, when freedom of worship is treated as an Ateco code and churches as product categories, it can be very useful to read Rizzoli's agile ebook in which Alberto Savorana interviews Julián Carrón, the Spanish priest which presides over the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation. Already from the title, it tells us that it is a reflection on man, rather than on the divine, and therefore introduces us to a too neglected theme: the public relevance of faith at times like this. It is called in fact The awakening of the human. Reflections from a dizzying time and deals with the sudden eruption of reality in our lives, which had become so unreal over time, lived «as in a bubble», «where we often flee to be able to breathe, for inability to be with ourselves “. The coronavirus and all that has followed and will follow, are in fact the real in its crudest and cruelest form, which undermines our “habit of replacing things and facts with their strategically fraudulent use."


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