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Keeping the Faith through persecution and nuclear attack

Giuseppe writes on Catholicism in Japan and the incredible story of an A-bomb survivor who put his personal grief aside to strive for peace and reconciliation through a life in Christ. Read the article on the Scottish Catholic Observer.

“For Christians, August 15 is the day of the beautiful Feast of the Assumption. For the world, this date marks the anniversary of the formal end of the Second World War in 1945, when Japan surrendered to the Allies. Six days before, an A-bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, an important coastal city in the south-west of Japan, causing the largest single slaughter in human history. For Japanese Christians, August 15 is a date charged with those and even more meanings, which, in mysterious ways, also concern us all.

I will start my story zooming in on the Ground Zero of the Nagasaki bomb, that is the area of Urakami, in the northern outskirts of the city. On a morning of late 1931, 14 years before the bomb, a young man of 23 is walking to a beautiful house near the recently built Catholic Cathedral.”


Read the full article on the Scottish Catholic Observer.