Fr. Julián Carrón (left) and Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran

Julián Carrón: “A man seized by Christ”

Fr. Julián Carrón's message in light of the recent death of Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran. Originally published on "Avvenire."
Julián Carrón

"The news of the death of Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran filled me with pain for the loss of a father, and with gratitude to God for the gift of his life.

The joy that we always saw on his face was the clearest sign of a man who had been seized by Christ, who went forward with a positive attitude in every situation. He always gave witness to the certainty that faith allows us to go out to meet our fellow man, as happened in his last voyage to Saudi Arabia, where he generated wonder and admiration in many Muslims with his gestures and disarming words: “In front of a cultural crisis that has transformed the word and where there are fewer points of reference, meeting with each other, talking together, getting to know each other, to build something together, is an invitation to an encounter with the other, which also means to discover ourselves.” In every circumstance, his judgment was sustained by the certainty that only Christ saves man and brings about an otherwise impossible unity among people, in an embrace that knows how to recognize and value everything that is true, beautiful, and good in anyone."
