Fr. Luigi Giussani, at the Portofino lighthouse with young people in 1956 (Archivio Fraternità CL)

Communication from Davide Prosperi

The words of the President of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, to the Movement (video conference from Milan, January, 19, 2022).
Davide Prosperi

1. Next steps and the reasons behind them
Good evening to everyone. It is good to be together, even if we are still forced by Covid to keep a screen between us, hopefully for not much longer.
I want to thank you all for having taken the time to participate in this call, in which I would like to share the reasons for the steps that we will be facing in the coming weeks. I think that this can be a time to ask ourselves seriously if we want to learn something, meaning, if we want to play this game seeking to prove something or if we want to play seeking to learn something that, perhaps, we still need to understand or go deeper into, even about the charism that has been entrusted to us. It has been said that we are in an interim period. What does this word–interim–truly mean for us? The answer balances on a razor’s edge, because interim can mean a perception of the density of the instant or else an excuse to be unavailable. And it is not so much an unavailability towards the current leader, while waiting for the changes of the policy, but an unavailability towards God. Just the fact of perceiving the present time in this way means that one is placing limits on the action of God in his life and in history. Because God can change history in an instant! The instant could be this one. And in that case, am I ready? Therefore, the problem is being present. The problem for us is being present, being present to present things, or, as Fr. Giussani said, “fix[ing] as presence the present things” [...]

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