Dr. D.C. Schindler. Photo by Danny Shum

On Freedom: the Third Annual Albacete Lecture on Faith and Culture

Watch the full video recording of the 2018 Albacete Lecture featuring Dr. D.C. Schindler.

A lecture on the essence of freedom and its forgotten origins.

"With D.C. SCHINDLER, Associate Professor of Metaphysics and Anthropology at The John Paul II Institute at The Catholic University of America and author of Freedom From Reality: The Diabolical Character of Modern Liberty (Notre Dame Press).

Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center, the Albacete Forum and the Sheen Center.

What is freedom, and what is its origin? What does it have to do with human desire, fulfillment, authority, and power?

A great deal of uncertainty surrounds these questions. In workplaces, on campuses, even in one's own home, personal risk and responsibility in human relationships are progressively eroded and replaced with rules, policies, and risk management directives, as if we were suspicious of leaving too much room to freedom's unpredictability.

In a land that values liberty, it seems that we are confused about what really brings us freedom; we trust it less and less and are willing to trade it for one of its many palliatives. How did we end up here?

In the Third Annual Albacete Lecture on Faith and Culture, Prof. D.C. Schindler [spoke] about a topic that was so dear to Monsignor Albacete, addressing some of the above questions."