The message of the Apostolic Nuncio

Having received the sad news of the death of Jesús Carrascosa, one of the founders and responsibles of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation in Spain, the Holy Father wishes to offer his heartfelt condolences to his grieving widow Jone Echarri, to his dear family members, to all the members of Communion and Liberation in Spain, to the Memores Domini who lived with him, as well as to all those who knew him and who now join in prayer with Christian sorrow.

Entrusting the soul of Jesús to the Divine Mercy, who was brought even closer to Christ through a providential encounter with the priest Fr. Luigi Giovanni Giussani, making him wish to be his witness and peacemaker, Pope Francis, as a sign of faith and Christian hope in the Risen Lord, imparts with affection his comforting apostolic blessing to all those who mourn such a painful loss.

Monsignor Bernardito C. Auza
Apostolic Nuncio

Madrid, January 12, 2024