John Paul II with then-Cardinal Bergoglio (Catholic Press Photo)

The unfounded accusations about Pope Wojtyla

In the face of the allegations regarding Saint John Paul II, Communion and Liberation adopts the words of Pope Francis at the Regina Coeli on Sunday 16 April.

“Certain of interpreting the feelings of the faithful throughout the world, I direct a grateful thought to the memory of Saint John Paul II, the object of offensive and unfounded inferences these past few days.” These were the words of Pope Francis at the end of the Regina Coeli on Sunday, April 16. At the Spiritual Exercises of the Fraternity of CL, which were held in Rimini in the same days, Davide Prosperi expressed the same gratitude, on behalf of the whole movement, toward Pope Wojtyla and bewilderment at the unfounded accusations about his person.

The reference is to recent statements made by Pietro Orlandi, brother of Emanuela, who disappeared 40 years ago. As the presidency of the Italian Bishops' Conference reiterated, on behalf of the Italian bishops, "there can be no half-measures to define these attacks toward St. John Paul II." "Madness," as Andrea Tornielli wrote in an editorial in L'Osservatore Romano: "It is right that everyone is held accountable for any crimes, without any impunity or privileges. But no one deserves to be defamed in this way, without even a shred of a clue, on the basis of the 'rumors' of some unknown person of the criminal underworld or some sleazy anonymous comment broadcast live on TV."

That of the Orlandi family "is a shocking drama that deserves every consideration and the search for truth," Monsignor Massimo Camisasca, bishop emeritus of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla, told Tempi. Camisasca stressed, however, that nothing justifies baseless accusations aimed at people who cannot defend themselves: "The immorality of this behavior shakes civil coexistence and calls for a radical change of hearts, so that our relationships are based on truth and justice."