Monsignor Paolo Pezzi

Pezzi: "Fr. Giussani, lover of freedom"

The homily of the Archbishop Paolo Pezzi, of the Archdiocese of the Mother of God at Moscow, during Mass for the anniversary of death of Fr. Giussani, on 25 February. "I have never met anyone in my life who loved human freedom more."
Paolo Pezzi

The circumstance that the Apostle James describes in his letter, alas, has always existed. Disputes, enmities, conflicts and divisions can be found in our communities, in our families, but also in society, not only in the Church. It is interesting that James knows, or at least admits, that this is always possible. First of all, for those who have not met Christ, it is practically impossible to live, not unanimously, but in unity. It is difficult to live in unity with oneself and even more so in a family, in a community. When this happens, a sane person immediately realizes that this is an absolute miracle, a miracle of grace, as the Apostle James says. However, this unity is also difficult for those who have met Christ. And it is difficult, first of all, as the Apostle says, because the mentality of this world, of those in power, works against this unity, against humanity itself. And this mentality penetrates us much more quickly and much more easily than the Christian mentality.

This is one of those dramatic moments that always accompanied, from the beginning, Fr. Giussani in his life. Whilst still in the seminary and then as a young priest, as a religious teacher at school, he was faced with this dramatic question: can Christianity remain so superficial as not to define life? In fact, life, including the main decisions of life, is not lived in light of faith, but in light of the mentality that power spreads. Today, we listened that even the apostles themselves were not immune to this challenge. All it took was one sentence, one unintelligible speech about Jesus, to begin immediately to think as the world thinks: who is the first? This can be translated more simply with: "If I have power, then you are my subordinate.” Then what unity can there be between us? But Jesus does not waste much time reprimanding them, correcting them. He asks only one question: "What were you talking about?" And we can immediately understand how ashamed they were. However, this shame did not stop them. They began to follow Christ again. And this is the most important fruit of following Christ. Otherwise a change in our personality is not possible, otherwise a change in our life is not possible, otherwise a unity of life and community is not possible.
And so yes, the encounter with Christ again begins to spread, to penetrate all circumstances, literally all moments of our life.

Whether you live or die you belong to Christ, the Apostle Paul says. All this happens on one condition. This condition is freedom. Personally, I have never met anyone in my life who loved human freedom more than Fr. Giussani. This does not mean that I want to make him a Saint in advance. For me he is already a Saint - that the Church makes its way, its trial, that does not worry me. For me, it is easier to think that this man, who gave me such a lively encounter with Christ, loved my freedom so much that he allowed me to enter into this dramatic dynamism of responsibility. Because living freedom in the encounter with Christ means taking control of one's own life, becoming the main hero, the protagonist of one's own life and of your whole story.

Read also - Nosiglia: "Fr. Giussani's outgoing church"

This is what Jesus transmits to his disciples. This is what Fr.Giussani left to all those who were struck by his charism in the Church so that we could freely pray, suffer, act, sacrifice our lives for His glory, for the glory of Christ. So that, in this way, we might build a new civilization of truth and love, first of all, in our mutual relations.