Allegra in Taiwan

Taiwan: A father, the question, the path

A letter from Allegra, who received Baptism at Easter, faced with the sudden news of the departure of Fr. Donato, who has been a missionary on the island for many years.

A month ago, during quarantine, I received a video call from Fr. Donato. He wished to tell me that he was leaving Taiwan to become the rector of the seminary of the Fraternity of St. Charles in Rome. At the end of the conversation, we began to cry. Fr. Donato has been, from the beginning, a second father to me and has accompanied and guided me step by step towards the Lord. This year, at Easter, he also became my godfather in Baptism. I was filled with joy and peace inside knowing that he would always be there. But this unexpected news pierced my heart. I asked him, "What will I do if I need a quiet walk with friends in the future? What will I do without the comfort of a good father?" He replied, "Jesus has already prepared everything. We will not be close, but this gap and distance of almost 10,000 kilometers will be filled by Jesus if we let Him enter our lives even more through the Sacraments and companionship. Every relationship in Him is eternal, nothing and no one can destroy it, and we do not lose anything." These days I have always been asking myself: will I make it without him? And immediately this phrase arises in my heart, "Lord, I need You. I still cannot understand Your plan. You know that I am fragile and need to follow a concrete model. Lord, You alone have words of eternal life. But now what do You want from me? Where do You want to lead me?" To this dear friend of mine I can only say, "Thank you for your existence. Do not worry, I will pray for you a lot."

Allegra, Taiwan