The cover of the Japanese edition of "The radiance in your eyes"

The adventure of the "radiance" in Japanese

Marcia has just finished translating Carrón's book, which came out last year. It was a long and complicated job, forcing her to get to the bottom of what the text was saying. But it was worth it, even if it were just for one person.

We have finally managed to deliver the translation of The radiance in your eyes! It took more than a year because, like all other texts, we had to go through several phases: the first translation, as verbatim as possible, which I do; then Sako tries to make the language more familiar to the Japanese and corrects any inappropriate terms. Then I reread it to make sure the meaning has not changed, and then we propose it to our small School of Community group. Working together on the text, the questions and doubts that arose, the help of the Italian priests, were all valuable factors in improving the translation, finding more appropriate terms. It is hard work that requires a lot of patience, but I do it out of obedience to my history, to my vocation, because I am very aware of my inability, inadequacy. However, this puts me before the text in the position of asking the Holy Spirit, Jesus, Fr. Giussani, and Carrón. I often find myself in "dialogue" with them: what does this mean here? Is this good? How is this translated? Doing this work is a great grace because Japanese is very different from Italian, so it is impossible to translate without getting to the bottom of what the text is saying.

Read also – Japan: discovering yourselves as companions

Even if the translation were only for Sako, it would be worth it, but I have seen many people enthusiastic about this text, telling me that it has helped them to live faith in daily life. Because of the importance of the text, Sako is planning to send it to all bishops, religious congregations and others, as we usually do with the Japanese version of Traces. We do not know how many people will read and be interested, but let it all be for the greater glory of the Lord!

Marcia, Japan