(Photo: Molly Belle/Unplash)

It takes courage to seek happiness

Bice attended the GS Easter Triduum. The appeal of what she heard and the questions and desires that have arisen. "And if I find myself at the mercy of fear and pain, I will think back to how I have been reborn during these days."

There is talk of apathy among us young people, but there is a reason why we connected to the GS Triduum, even though we were once again in front of a screen without our friends. There is something that drives us, a desire that acts unconsciously, which leads us to seek "good". We did not just connect because someone forced us to. We are all in the same boat, paddling in search of happiness, even if we feel like we are losing confidence and strength. Listening to the testimonies on Thursday night, I felt understood.

However, I am trying to understand if it is true that this difficult circumstance of the pandemic is an opportunity to rediscover myself as human. To me, it just feels like I am sinking. Thinking back to Fr. Carrón who talked about the search for something full of life that in turn fills us with life, I understand that I need to pay more attention to what is of value, reducing what I give disproportionate weight to.

Read also - A mother at the Easter Triduum

I am definitely realizing that joy-filled life is all around me; it is inside me, it just has to come out. Maybe even the pursuit of happiness is a matter of courage. On Thursday night I went to sleep remembering John Paul II’s "do not be afraid!". And if in the future I find myself again at the mercy of fear and pain, I will think back to how I was reborn during the Triduum; if it was possible then, it always will be.
