Rebirth in a hospital room

Luisa is admitted to hospital and finds herself sharing a room with another woman. It’s an encounter for both of them. From initial awkwardness to card games, advice and learning to pray. An accompanying friendship, even when they are no longer together.

Some years ago, I had the grace to meet the movement. I live with chronic health problems, on top of which, in recent months, I have been suffering from a serious bone infection that forced me to be hospitalized for a long period of time. When I entered the ward I asked myself: "Who knows who I will share the room with?” I was focused solely on myself and on my health concerns.
When I entered the room, I found myself in front of a lady who, with a very fragile voice, greeted me and I immediately felt relieved. But it didn't last long, my uneasiness came back when I understood the reason why she was hospitalized: she is HIV-positive.
And yet I had to start from something positive: I sensed that this reality, that I had to face, was given to me by the Lord. That woman was there for me! We immediately began to talk and it took little time for me to change my gaze towards her. I said to myself: “Who is He who has changed my gaze, who has torn me away from my fears?”
What follows is the testimony of this new friend, who is now hospitalized for cancer, but who hopes to be with us for the Beginning of the Year Day.

Luisa, Carate Brianza

I remember the day I was discharged from hospital. I felt lost, I cried. I thought, "There you go, I'm alone again.” Everything scared me. The street was a jungle of dangers for my sick body, but, deep down, I knew that I was no longer alone. I now had real friends, even if they were far away: Luisa, Gheri, Betta, Bianca, Davide, Federica, and the others... They were with me with their prayers and my heart could feel this.
The next day, I went back to the hospital. I missed Luisa too much. She immediately understood that I was not well and she comforted me, as always. I felt important because in front of me was a person who loved me unconditionally for who I am, strengths and weaknesses. However, thanks to her and her advice, I gave myself strength and went to live in a house for those who are HIV positive, which the hospital had recommended. I didn’t really like the idea of the community because of its very strict rules: no visits, no phone calls, no exit. I began to pray as Luisa had taught me and, between one prayer and the next, I thought back to the days spent with her: the card games, our laughter: I hadn’t laughed with so much gusto for a long time, with so much joy! She was physically in a lot of pain, but she always smiled, I’ve never heard her complain about anything.

This experience changed my life! It was a rebirth for me! This was the miracle: not healing, but the healing of my soul. The Lord sent me a guardian angel.

Signed letter