Notre Dame Study Weekend
At a CLU study weekend in September, a college student discovered that Christ and His love can become familiar to us even in our studies.I am really grateful for the study weekend that we had at Notre Dame on the last weekend in September. We invited friends from several places in the Midwest to join us for a weekend of studying and prayer, which concluded with a brunch and an assembly on The Religious Sense.
I was so happy all weekend to be spending time with these people that I didn’t really know, but who are all nonetheless following the same One I am. We started our weekend together on Saturday studying in the library, and we prayed morning prayer together. We studied in silence, and eventually took a break for lunch together.
Over lunch, we all gave basic introductions and got to talk with other people. I was really moved when Francesca, who I had literally just met, randomly said “I like you, Jess.” What?! Who was I to have merited the affection of Francesca who just radiated life and intensity and fullness? How could this be?
It was with this beautifully blunt statement of her affection for me that I entered into my afternoon studies, and it changed everything. My studies and my studying alongside these people became even more beautiful because my starting point was a recognition of being loved. It was by Francesca’s simple statement that I was reminded of Christ’s incredibly gratuitous preference for me. Every time I looked up from my studies for the rest of the day, I saw all of these faces that spoke of Him and His love for me that reaches me when I least expect it, even in my studies!
On Sunday, we went to Mass together in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and the liturgy was elaborate and beautiful. After Mass, we went to the house of some friends and shared brunch. We had an assembly on The Religious Sense and talked about our experiences of the start of the school year and what these had to do with Giussani’s proposals. I’m so grateful for the whole weekend, which was such a reminder of the fact that I’m accompanied and loved by Him through so many people in a particular way through CLU.
Jessica, Indiana, USA