How Can One Encounter the Mystery?

I still remember what my husband's professor said when she came to pick us up at the airport: “You will like the job, but you will be alone.” This never happened.

A little over three years ago, my husband Francesco and I moved from Southern Italy to Florida to pursue a work opportunity that he had been extended by the University of Florida. I still remember what his professor said when she came to pick us up at the airport: “You will like the job, but you will be alone.” This never happened. For two years, we lived on the West coast of Florida where we made many friends and where I lived a personal experience of Pope Francis’ proposal to go out and meet people. We then moved to the East coast because my husband changed jobs. There, we were far from our friends, but we slowly met people, like our colleagues, and a web of relationships across Florida flourished. I rediscovered my husband and we became even friends as we were not before. Even the times when I had to be alone changed for me; I was no longer scared because those moments became occasions to experiment with what the Bible says: “I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her there.”
Soon, we will move again, this time to Pennsylvania. It seemed so difficult to leave now that our friendships here had reached a point of maturity. Our friends planned a goodbye party in Miami, and Fr. José Medina changed one of his flights to be there with us. I can clearly see how God took care of us during these years, and how many friends he gave us. When we would move and meet new people, it was His face that changed each time. We never lost our past relationships, never, and the breadth of our friendships has grown. How can I fear moving again? I am so curious to discover the new faces through which the Mystery will show Himself.

Rossella, Vero Beach, United States