What I Really Need

My name is Pietro, I am seventeen, and I am writing to talk about a pretty big thing for me. I am Italian, but some years ago I moved here to the States. I've always been quite an athletic guy. I like almost every sport, but especially soccer...

My name is Pietro, I am seventeen, and I am writing to talk about a pretty big thing for me. I am Italian, but some years ago I moved here to the States. I've always been quite an athletic guy; I like almost every sport, but especially soccer. I’ve always invested my free time and energy in sports, and when I got to High School I could not wait to start playing on the Varsity soccer team. About three years ago our friend Fr. José came to visit Rochester, and on that occasion I had the chance to tell him about my passion for the sport. He was glad to hear of my interest, but he asked me this question: "Pietro, when reality challenges you and you find yourself with a problem or a great desire in your heart, does sport respond? ... I mean, is it enough for you?”

At the time I did not understand this question, I just liked soccer and track. A few months later, however, I began to go through a difficult time, especially in my friendships. I realized that my heart desired great friendships that not even those on the team could give me. I was always impatient and nervous because it was as if I was always missing something: I wanted to be loved for who I am.

Last summer, like every year, I returned to Italy and met a group of GS friends. Together we have done so many good things, such as trips to the mountains and the sea, singing, barbecues, games etc. But with them it was different because we could freely question ourselves about our lives and about our heart's real desire. We could stay together simply being ourselves. We loved each other. During the past year I returned to Italy two times to see them again and to be with them. I did so this past summer as well.

In June, before leaving for my vacations, the coach of my High School team told me that if I returned to Rochester in August for practice, then I would have been able to finally play Varsity in the fall. However, my friends in Italy invited me to work with them as a volunteer at the Meeting in Rimini, and so I chose to not come back in August for the team. My job at the Meeting was to clean the halls and pick up trash from 7:00 pm until closing. If I had been told this two years ago, I would never have believed it! A sports fan like me giving up Varsity to do cleaning! I don't even keep my room clean! I went to the Meeting, and now I'm back at school where I’ve been allowed to practice with the Varsity team, but not play in any games. However, I am very happy with the choice I made because I understood a few important things about life.

1. There's a place where I can be myself, with my questions about life, and find people with whom to go to the bottom of these things.

2. Fr. José was right. I understood that Christ is the answer to my desire of happiness, not sport or anything else. There is a true friendship if there is Jesus in it, because I can even be on a team of 50 people, but still feel lonely because I feel measured. Instead, when in a friendship is because of Jesus, we can love each other despite our defects or faults.

3. I felt a great joy cleaning at the Meeting, but not because I like to clean. Because it's great to work together with friends to make a place beautiful for everyone.

Pietro, Minnesota, USA