Boulder CLU Reflection

A witness from an attendee of the Midwest CLU Spiritual Exercises.

This past weekend I attended the Midwest Spiritual Exercises of the CLU. I was most struck by the emphasis on how Christ is present in a companionship of friends; and that all it takes to see the fruit of this companionship is to remain. This is liberating for me, because I didn't leave the Exercises understanding everything, or knowing exactly what it means to recognize Christ present, or sure of who I am or how I am living everything in my life. I don't have everything figured out, but that doesn't weigh on me because from the witnesses I have seen I trust that in time God is bringing me closer to Him and making my life beautiful. Going home, I am filled with hope and have the same experience as one of the people who wrote to Fr. Pietro in preparation for the Exercises: "I am less afraid of my sinfulness and fragility. Christ will change me and work through me if I am obedient to the place where He found me." The simplicity of this 'just remaining' makes me happy, because it's so simple that I actually have a chance of doing it.

I know Christ was present at the exercises because I went back home with a heart more on fire, looking for Him in my own circumstances and my specific, given friends in Boulder. In a small way the weekend changed me, and I already see it in how I faced School of Community and my friends tonight, in my renewed desire to go to charitable work, or to explain the songs we sing at School of Community. The Exercises reminded me of what Chieffo wrote in Sulla Collina: "The only thing that I want, the only thing that my heart searches for, is to live in Your house, for many many years". This is my desire, especially now in Lent, and I'm grateful to God who has renewed it this past weekend.