Music, Giotto, Mercy and Paella?

How does all this that come together, you might ask? Through the joy of people wanting to celebrate Marcelo and Fr. José, back in Los Angeles to share our human path...

How does all this that come together, you might ask? Through the joy of people wanting to celebrate Marcelo and Fr. José, back in Los Angeles to share our human path made of music, food, tears, sunsets, unbounded desires and the mercy that is Jesus—who is the answer to those desires.

It started with Fr. José and a crew happily preparing paella for 80 people (with leftover for anothers!). Dona provided the key ingredients, another multiplied the recipe for the ingredients, and the feast took off under the attentive, profound and silent orchestration (and faith) of Fr. José. At a certain point the paella needs to be left alone ...

In the meantime Marcelo was preparing to share with us a piece of his latest concert tour: Armonie Giottesche. The music, poetry and images were born from his experience of contemplating Giotto frescos in the Scrovegni Chapel in Florence.

"What is man that You care for him?", and "Who am I to receive all of this beauty that is life?", were some of the questions that arose in him, and through him, and eventually to us who were listening.

The answer was happening while we were listening that evening: the mysterious presence of Christ, who put us together and changed, and was changing, our lives by proposing a joyfully living people.