What I Cannot Cling To

I woke up so sad today, knowing that this is the end of our time with the Totus Tuus team (local missionaries we were hosting at our house). So sad that I went looking for a sunrise to console me, to tell me of His love...

I woke up so sad today, knowing that this is the end of our time with the Totus Tuus team (local missionaries we were hosting at our house). So sad that I went looking for a sunrise to console me, to tell me of His love. With the trees around our house, I could see the slightest of color to the east, so I set out walking in search of it. I didn't walk far when I realized that I cannot ever catch God or His love, it must already be there and I must accept it, so in doubt and defeat I turned back, to see a faint hue in the southern and western sky, and realized again that His love is all around me with Him, even following me, so I turned back to the east and kept walking. Had I turned back then I would have never caught the majesty of the sunrise that was hidden just at the end of that block. I saw it, photographed it, and since this sunrise isn't just for my eyes, it was as you see in the picture.

I was a bit consoled as I turned around, again to see the faint hue of God's love that had been following me in the sky, so I went to see if I could find an opening to look better at it. A few blocks further west and south, some dogs (behind a fence) began barking at me, disturbing my peace, so I began a Hail Mary and one became quiet almost immediately. Then, an oriole landed in front of me, a seldom seen beautiful bird. Next, a pair of beautiful bluejays were above me, then a young rabbit bounding away silently.
All beautiful things, unless they are in my strawberries, apples, flower pots, or kiwi vine. I went through our alley, past the dog who goes nuts barking, and as I approached I asked him where his ball was, hoping to keep him quiet. He ran to the far corner of the fence, I found the object of his desire and threw it to him.

Returning to the house, I saw that the kiwi vine has kiwis on it, the tiniest little bird flitting in our bushes, some ripe strawberries—just seeing the pure delight on my son Xander’s face when he gets them. Back to the warmth of the house, where everyone sleeps I know it will all be ok. They (the missionaries) will go, but they will stay in my heart, and God will be here, and thank God they came to let my heart be so touched by them. I can't explain the beauty of this week or today, the fragrance of flowers around the house or church, or many other things, but I know that this is all good. Wherever we go, wherever we end up, we can see God and His goodness, just outside of our ability to cling to, but still all around us.