The End and the Beginning

I began the Northeastern CL Summer Vacation with some sad news from Fr. Rich Veras, that our dear friend and spiritual director from the time we first met the movement in 1988, had passed away...

I began the Northeastern CL Summer Vacation with some sad news from Fr. Rich Veras, that our dear friend and spiritual director from the time we first met the movement in 1988, had passed away. Fr. Richard Neilson! He was 92 and had been sick for quite some time, but did not live close by, so we learned about his passing some days after the fact.

Fr. Rich offered the first Mass of the vacation for the repose of his soul and also preached a homily calling to mind Fr. Neilson’s paternal care for many of us who eventually found our way to CL, some because of his urging. We were young and confused, but Fr. Neilson was always available to listen, guide and forgive our sins. He was reserved and intelligent, so did not like “nonsense,” and would admonish with a quick Scottish-accented outburst, but then smile. I remember coming to him one day, particularly downcast because of my sins. He said to me, “Mischief! That’s the devil’s mischief!” But then came the fatherly gaze and smile. We knew we were his children and he would always correct and strengthen us until the next time we would have to return with our tail between our legs.

So I wondered, why now, right at the beginning of our vacation, had he, through his passing, made his presence so pronounced? I couldn’t help but remember how so many of us had spent the whole night begging before the Blessed Sacrament with Fr. Neilson on the first Friday of every month at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Manhattan. And here we were, almost 30 years later—Rich Veras, Jonathan Fields, Joe Wiener, my sister, Naomi, preparing ourselves to receive the same Jesus on the first Friday of our vacation! Christ has blessed and kept us for so many years!

Our life is “like a mere breath.” Christ’s presence through friendships that have stood the test of time, makes each breath deeper, fuller, more aware of His sustaining mercy.