A New Way of Living

It was Palm Sunday. The mass was filled with its usual beauty, familiar faces, and restless little ones. As mass concluded Father asked us all to take a seat, and announced he was going to do something he hadn’t intended to do...

It was Palm Sunday. The mass was filled with its usual beauty, familiar faces, and restless little ones. As mass concluded Father asked us all to take a seat, and announced he was going to do something he hadn’t intended to do. He proceeded to introduce the parish to Habtom and Nezret who were there to have their daughter Edom baptized. With them was a large group of their family and friends. Father invited them to all stand. They were all dressed in beautiful white dresses and robes, and the women’s hair was beautifully done and ordained with jewels. Their appearance alone was stunning. Father went on to tell the amazing story of Habtom and his escape from persecution in his home country of Eritrea, through the desert and across the sea by boat. Father explained that he had met Habtom after seeing him frequently at daily mass. He spoke about Nezret’s love for Christ and his desire to share that love with his family and friends. I was struck by these people and their story, so much so that I told my husband I wished that we could stay for the baptism. I desired to be with them…

Later that day I was back at church for CL. Father was not at CL but stopped in at the end to say hello. As we were chatting Father asked if any of us want to go with him to a baptismal celebration for baby Edom. There were six of us who said yes to Father’s invitation.

The door to the apartment opened and the now familiar faces from church warmly greeted us and invited us in. Everyone was so generous, offering us food, drinks and more food! We visited with the adults, and played with the children. We took turns holding baby Edom, smelling the sweet smell of the chrism oil on her head. All of these things we did just as we did at my own children’s baptisms. There was a feeling of joy and peace in a place and time where, by some standards, there should have been awkwardness and nervousness. There was a Presence in the room that took away all barriers and differences and brought us to a common place. A place where Christ was all we needed. It was that simple and beautiful.

After leaving their apartment I went to pick my son up from football. While waiting for him I was reflecting on all that had happened that day. My book from CL "Why the Church" by Father Giussani lay on the seat next to me. I looked over at it and felt a strong desire to open it up and read. The page I opened up to was titled A New Type of Life. The reading described a type of life that is possible through a communion with others, with Christ as the common dependence. I sat there stunned at what I was reading. The text went on to say, “If we share Christ, then how much more do we share the things of life, both material and spiritual?"