The Truth is the Path to Freedom

A witness at the 2016 New York Encounter...

It is amazing to experience the new level of maturity that is evident with the New York Encounter and the “upgrades” that require intense work and attention to every detail. This high level of organization is essential as the leadership offers a wide range of encounters as we gather to be opened up with a freedom that does not allow for hiding in our prisons, but to pay attention to the longing of our hearts and not be afraid. The entire weekend was such a gift and I am grateful to all the leaders, volunteers and generous benefactors that create a real life of engagement in this city of action.

While people were beginning to say goodbye on Sunday evening and ready themselves for a trip home on Monday, I met Bunny from Minnesota and she was focused on the number of people from Minnesota who participated in the event and the level of sacrifice that makes this a reality for people. What moved me is the awareness that people from across the country have such a longing to belong, and know with conviction that this experience will awaken their desire to follow Christ even if “their life is hanging by a thread”.

During the weekend, I was focused on all of the work, hospitality and serious professional leadership that makes this possible as we follow the charism of Father Giussani, but the discussion with Bunny provoked me to ask about the level of participation. People arriving with small babies and others leaving small children at home; all of these demands contribute to the beauty of “something happening now.” Just in our state of Minnesota, we counted over 75 people making the trip without fear, as the adventure is so provoking and alive. We don't need a calculator to measure the sacrifice of time and money that these folks offer.....and why would people do this? Only Jesus Christ!!!! Most arrived on Friday and left on Monday with no significant time to engage in the city, so it is not a pleasure trip or vacation in the city, it is about being together with friends and living the freedom of asking questions, facing complex questions and being embraced with mercy as we follow the One we love.