Being Called

It was the day after the Spiritual Execercises with Father Roberto that I felt personally called to follow Him by Father Roberto's talk. It was Sunday morning and I woke up later than usual...

It was the day after the Spiritual Execercises with Father Roberto that I felt personally called to follow Him by Father Roberto's talk. It was Sunday morning and I woke up later that usual. By 9:40 I was ready to start my morning daily prayer. I told God, 'OK we have short time because Meet the Press starts at 10 am on TV. We have to get to the point.' Imediately I laughed at myself I added, 'never mind, Meet the Press is not important.'

I started by putting myself in God's presence and reading my notes from Father Roberto. I was focused on his teaching on poverty. I asked God, 'what do you want me to do? Should I rent my house and move to an appartment to live with the minimal?' I do not need much. At that moment the phone rang and it was my daughter, Cecilia. We have a very conflictive relationship, filled with power control and anger issues. I look with dismay to the caller ID and thought, 'ufff, it's too early to start arguing.'

So, I told Cecy, "I am praying, should I call you later?" As soon as I sat back at the kitchen table I thought, 'I AM called you', and this is what I want you to do: love your daughter, be patient with her, listen to her, look for her, give her attention.

My life has never been the same. I have been calling her daily, we go out to eat and shopping. I love her, we have a lot better relationship. When I feel anger or impatience creeping up in my throat I remind myself of God's call. The anger disappears, I become calm and peaceful. Thank you Father Roberto and CL.