San Jose, CA

With my family we moved here to California 8 months ago, so for us this was
our first Easter here! Two weeks before Easter, speaking with Chiara, we discovered to have the same desire to follow together a Way of the Cross...

With my family we moved here to California 8 months ago, so for us this was
our first Easter here! Two weeks before Easter, speaking with Chiara, we discovered to have the same desire to follow together a Way of the Cross. We agreed that it would be beautiful and helpful to prepare it together, with our kids, letting them participate actively. We shared our thinking with other friends of the community and it ​was so beautiful to discover that we all had the same desire!

Maurizio proposed that we meet a priest, the pastor of a parish in Alviso, as our idea was to use his​ Church for one of the stations, thee met the priest we had n walk through the beautiful natural reserve very close by. When we met the priest we had a very interesting convers​at​ion, he told us a piece of his history and we told him a piece of ours.
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Then he told us that he didn't have place for us because all the liturgy the Good Friday was already prepared, but he invited us to participate with our families in their​ Way of the Cross. We were touched meeting F​ather Hector and after speaking with our other friends, we agreed to participate in​ his Way of the Cross.

Good Friday arrived and we started the Way of the Cross walking through the ​streets of the village of Alviso​ with the priest and ​his parishioners, our families,​ and all our community! Tommaso and Diana, two of our children read two English readings, Michele, a friend of ours, read some Spanish readings, and some of us took turns​ with the people from Alviso in ​carrying the cross.

Walking silently following the Cross, praying and singing together with my family, my new friends and the people that​ I didn't know before, made me aware of the entire Church, united​ with all of those present and with my friends and family in Italy. Jesus, with His sacrifice and with His resurrection has made possible the unity among us! It was very different from what I had imagined, but better than anything I could have planned.

At the end of the Way of the Cross with our community we went ​to a wonderful place to stay in silence in front of the sunset, and in the end we sang Non c'è nessuno.

It was evident to me that Somebody wanted to answer to our desire and prepared all of this for each one of us. We just had​ to decide to be part of it!