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Rediscovering the Value of Money

A reflection on the common fund: distinguishing what is mine and what is given.

With the work we have been doing in School of Community recently, I have been praying about adhering to Christ–both what it means for me and for the grace to do it. While reading the excerpts from the 2014 National Diaconia in New York, I was really moved by what Fr. José said with respect to the Common Fund. He described how it is essentially for our education in living with Him. Although I began to participate in the Common Fund several months ago, I realized that I regard it with a modern mentality, i.e., with the attitude that this is my money and I give it to you, rather than what is true, which is that Someone gave this money to me. To stay in the awareness of my dependence on Him, I need to give of myself also in this way. So, actually, I am now reviewing my budget and increasing my amount. This awareness helps me see that the Common Fund is not a rule to follow but actually a relationship with Him.

Natalie, USA