Prison Fence. Creative Commons CC0

Builders of Cathedrals in Prison

A reflection from an inmate, who is determined to continue his faith unwaveringly.

I want to thank the friends who regularly come to visit us. They bring us Traces, which I read with great pleasure. During today’s Mass, two of the inmates, who spend their recreation time taking a Bible study class with me, received Baptism. What I wish for them and for me is that, after we are released, we’ll stay faithful to what we have rediscovered in our souls and in our hearts through Jesus. We have to be like builders of cathedrals: exhausted but full of joy for collaborating in the building of the temple of God. I pray and ask to be able to continue working on my relationship with God once I am released from prison. In a place like this, where I have spent more than four years, one is tempted to hide behind one’s anger. Instead, I am thankful because I know the Lord will hold me in His arms for the time that I still have to serve. I am thankful also because, despite the loneliness that abides within these walls, I am not alone.
