Man on the phone. CC0

“I stumbled across a sign”

A friend called me this morning. I could hear his melancholy over the phone. He is alone. I told my friend that I understood; I myself went through a period in my life of deep sadness until I truly met the Movement...

A friend called me this morning. I could hear his melancholy over the phone. He is alone. I told my friend that I understood; I myself went through a period in my life of deep sadness until I truly met the Movement. I have learned that I have this desire in my heart that is insatiable. My friend is 42, divorced, and retired with several million dollars in the bank but that has not satisfied him. He has only been “retired” for a couple of months. “Why am I unhappy?” my friend wonders. So, I tell him, “You are trying to fill an infinite void with finite stuff”: Finite stuff / infinite desire = 0.0000000... Infinitesimally small number = nothing. Yet our stubbornness insists on material possessions as the solution. I tell to my friend that the only Infinity is God and God is “caritas.” True love or “caritas” amongst us is a reflection of our Infinite Creator. Love is why He came, to show us the biggest form of love. Yet we don’t believe. This is the human struggle that Fr. Giussani talks about. This is why we all feel lonely. We deny Him, and fail to see the way: the Church. It is difficult to put this simple solution into practice. The solution is obvious because of His infinite love for us: Infinite Being / infinite desire = everything. How I wish I could have this Presence in my mind every second of my existence. I am now blessed by His Grace when I pray, when I give Him my “yes.” He showed me the Movement. I stumbled across a sign, a poster that led me to meet these people that shared something that I could not put my finger on. I did not understand a word they said at the time, but there was something that made me stay. And I kept coming back, and they kept looking for me for no reason other than that they loved me, so I kept coming back. He was there with all of you.

Felix Antonio Villalba-Cervantes, Dallas (USA)