Ave Maria University. Via Wikimedia Commons

Expressing beauty and truth

Pepe Rodelgo (from Miami) recently organized a CL vacation weekend on the campus of Ave Maria University in Florida, led by Chris Bacich (from NY), and attended by 45 people...

Pepe Rodelgo (from Miami) recently organized a CL vacation weekend on the campus of Ave Maria University in Florida, led by Chris Bacich (from NY), and attended by 45 people. One unique part of our experience was our visit to the on-site open-air workshop of Romanian sculptor Márton Váró, who offered our group his testimony as an artist to the beauty and truth expressed in the huge frieze of the Annunciation that will soon grace the facade of the campus oratory. Váró’s joyful dedication to the labor of presenting Mary (in dazzling white marble), at the moment of the Incarnation, as a real and beautiful mother, will continue to encourage an awareness–in all who will gaze upon her face over the centuries–that her Son is a person made real to us in His own works and in the works of those we encounter each day. This was the point of our gathering that weekend, building this awareness of His Presence, and I am grateful to all who work for this and who accompany me in this way!

Rob Klucik, Ave Maria, Florida (USA)