“Ubi fides, ibi libertas”
“How do the election results and the situation that we find ourselves living interrogate us? Beyond all of the possible analyses, what do they say to each one of us, and to us as a Christian community?”
Notes from Julián Carrón’s Speech at the Assembly with the Responsibles of Communion and Liberation in Italy. Pacengo di Lazise (Verona), March 3, 2013.
- englis.pdf 393KBEnglish
- italia.pdf 390KBItalian
- spanis.pdf 607KBSpanish
- portugue-1.pdf 151KBPortuguese
- portuguese.pdf 2MBPortuguese (Brazilian)
- russia.pdf 228KBRussian
- germa.pdf 331KBGerman
- polis.pdf 423KBPolish
- englis.epub 85KBEnglish
- italia.epub 120KBItalian
- spanic.epub 20KBSpanich
- portuguese.epub 135KBPortuguese (Brazilian)