Message sent to CL on the occasion of Fr. Giussani death by Archbishop Renzo Fratini
Dear Fr. Carrón: He was a generous apostle of the essential truth of the Christian religion–hat “only in the mystery of the incarnate Word does the mystery of man find true light. Christ, who is the new Adam, precisely in revealing the mystery of the Father and his love, also fully reveals man to man and makes him see his very high vocation”(Second Vatican Council, Gaudium et spes, 22:1). Communion and Liberation has developed and spread almost everywhere under the devoted, consecrated, and illuminated guidance of Msgr. Giussani. May it continue to grow and be a fruitful leaven in today’s world. The Nigerian Apostolic Nunciature will always be grateful for the precious collaboration offered in the past to the Papal Nuncio by some of the members of Communion and Liberation.
Archbishop Renzo Fratini,
Apostolic Nuncio in Nigeria