Easter 2015. The Easter Poster of Communion and Liberation

Like every year, the Movement of CL offers an artistic image and text as an aid to live Easter.

This year the picture is: Caravaggio, The Calling of Saint Matthew (detail), 1599/1602. San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome.

The text of Pope Francis is drawn from the Audience with Communion and Liberation on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the death of Fr. Luigi Giussani and of the 60 year anniversary of the movement. Rome, St. Peter's Square, March 7, 2015.

Everything in our life, today as in the time of Jesus, begins with an encounter. An encounter with this Man, the carpenter from Nazareth, a man like all men and at the same time different. Let us consider the Gospel of John, there where it tells of the disciples’ first encounter with Jesus (cf. 1:35-42). Andrew, John, Simon: they feel themselves being looked at to their very core, intimately known, and this generates surprise in them, an astonishment which immediately makes them feel bonded to Him...
Speaking about the encounter brings to mind “The calling of St Matthew”, the Caravaggio in the Church of St Louis of the French, which I used to spend much time in front of every time I came to Rome. None of them who were there, including Matthew, greedy for money, could believe the message in that finger pointing at him, the message in those eyes that looked at him with mercy and chose him for the sequela. He felt this astonishment of the encounter.
The privileged place of encounter is the caress of Jesus’ mercy.
(Pope Francis)